Wednesday, November 23, 2005

thank you SFC!

Getting married means letting go of SFC (Singles for Christ). It really saddens me to know that I'm not gonna be with my usual peer group for household (prayer meeting) and fellowship after the wedding. Kokoy & I owe a lot to this community...we met and nurtured our relationship here, we met true friends who stayed with us through thick and thin...we learned to help, appreciate and love people from all walks of life (thanks to Gawad Kalinga)...we learned to let go of living in extravagance and value the finer and nobler things in life...but most importantly this community made evident God's presence in our lives.

With my six years of stay in this community, I saw how it evolved from being a "prayer group" to being a dynamic one (the introduction of Gawad Kalinga really helped us to put into practice or to apply the teachings that were given to us). True, it is not a perfect community...there were those who will talk behind your back, some were even aiming for fame & power, there were boring activities, etc. but all these people are seeking God and all those boring activities are meant to teach us something. It is indeed a community of sinners searching for light, an imperfect community aiming for perfection through God's guidance.

Kokoy & I had our last chapter gathering last week. We thanked everyone in our chapter esp. those who became our heads and members. I really am grateful to all of them...for all the laughter and tears...for all the conferences we shared...for inspiring us...and for being good examples in living out their faith. I truly feel blessed for finding my second home for the past six years, as Kokoy & I enters a new home (Couples for Christ) rest assured that all the learnings we had from SFC will forever be embedded in our system. Thank you, SFC!

A little peek of my life in SFC:

our last conference...reloaded

with my fellow paulinians in sfc

jeng, ria & i with maureen of sfc canada

holloween party with co-sfcs from diff. chapters of east a


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