mah wedding:)
I know I haven't been writing here for quite sometime...i was busy with my wedding and with my new life...
the wedding...

i woke up at around 6:00 am to find a text message from my groom...all the members of my family was fast asleep when my designer and make-up artist arrived. i woke them up to have some breakfast...after the breakfast, the make-up artist started doing my hair and make-up...i was really pleased with the outcome (compared with the trial make-up)... the photographer arrived at around 8:30 am... the florist arrived at around 9:30 am (the flowers are really pretty!)... we headed for the church at around 12:00 p.m....
the ceremony started at 1:00 p.m...i was so nervous while i was walking down the aisle for fear that i might trip (which is a regular occurence to me) on my way to the altar...good thing i was able to make it without any hassle & embarrassment (whew!)...the church ceremony was indeed beautiful (our priest was really good in officiating the whole ceremony)...people laughed when kokoy said his "i do"...because according to them he said it rather loudly (kokoy & i were unmindful of it)...we just realized it when our guests started laughing...the background music was awesome, thanks to the singing voices of jimmy, kat & was a beautiful and light-hearted drama, hahaha!
when we arrived at the reception venue...we did not go straight to the hall where yhe reception proper will be held but we had a little photo shoot first in most parts of makati park & garden...when we entered the venue...we saw that the caterer did not do their job well (grrrr!)...they were still unprepared...i was so disappointed that i almost cried (kokoy consoled me by telling me that the reception part of our wedding was not as important as the church ceremony,which as i mentioned was beautiful)...the program went on...the last part of the program was an audio-visual presentation we prepared as gratitude to our family and ended by showing some pics of our departed parents (kokoy's mom and my father) and our message of thanksgiving to them... a lot of people esp. our relatives were so touched and cried while it was being shown...of course kokoy & i also cried (he was really close to his mom and so was me to papa) tito gani (papa's youngest brother) hugged me before he left and cried so hard while hugging me (we both miss papa...and i guess the avp brought back the loss we both feel)...
if not for the caterer, our wedding might have been perfect but sh*t happens and we just have to deal with it....our wedding might have some imperfections but what's important is that kokoy & i finally made our commitment to love & support each other before GOD.
here are bits & pieces of the said event:

It proved to be a special day! Best Wishes to both of you and God Bless! Hope to see you soon here in Abu Dhabi! :-)
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