last blast for summer
Tetet, my sister in-law, celebrated her birthday last June 11, 2006 at 8 Waves in Bulacan. We stayed overnight in their hotel & it was fun! I really enjoyed the man-made waves there for it was close to the real thing. Sad thing though, I had an asthma attack & I was not able to bring my maintenance medicine with me. I woke my husband up at around 5:30 am to have coffee (since it is anti-oxidant & somehow it eases my attack). Unfortunately, there was no coffee shop in the hotel and there's only Pancake House inside it which does not open until 7:00 a.m. So we went out hoping to find even a7-11 or any convenience store , but we were unsuccessful. We ended up in a carinderia cum beerhouse at night (yes, I was that desperate for a coffee). Funny thing was, there was a man sleeping near the counter with a Red Horse beer in his hand, the carinderia personnel were trying to wake him up but to no avail. One more thing, according to the lady who served us, the sleeping man even had a companion who was sleeping in their bathroom! One of their staff wants to pee but couldn't since somebody was in there, sleeping. Hahaha! Oh well, it was a relaxing weekend for all us. Here are some pics;)
my hubby & i

with the bday girl

before going out for dinner

with the kids...all lined up

sun bathing kuno...yes, i'm the goddess in green & blue at the end of the row (hahaha)

waiting for the waves