Thursday, May 25, 2006

my kinda soul

You Are a Peacemaker Soul

You strive to please others and compromise anyway you can.War or conflict bothers you, and you would do anything to keep the peace.You are a good mediator and a true negotiator.Sometimes you do too much, trying so hard to make people happy.
While you keep the peace, you tend to be secretly judgmental.You lose respect for people who don't like to both give and take.On the flip side, you've got a graet sense of humor and wit.You're always dimplomatic and able to give good advice.
Souls you are most compatible with: Warrior Soul, Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?

Two Sundays ago (talk about an overdue entry), my husband & I went out with 2 of our friends from SFC then out of the blue, one of them asked my hubby on how does he feel whenever he sees his ex-girlfriends (because she has not seen her ex since they broke up).

Good question, after a few minutes we saw my husband's ex. Well, I saw her first and told my husband that his ex is there. I know he does not really want to greet her but just to satisfy my curiosity he greeted her. You see, this ex of his was his 2nd longest relationship after me (they were together for 3 years) and is or rather was his neighbor. We always see her in their village chapel when we hear mass there but they totally ignore each other. I've seen his other ex's but he is not aloof with them as he is with this one (well, I understand why). Then we heard that her family moved to Canada, I told him "Sayang, I thought that there will come a time when they can talk again & that I'll be introduced to her". I know...I know... I sound pathetic but try to understand that I was never in a relationship until Kokoy came along so that means I never had an ex. I don't understand all those after-relationship things. Siguro just to satisfy me, he greeted her. We were surprised to see her (since we thought she's already in Canada), she explained that she had to come back to take the bar exam this September and when she passes she'll have an option to stay here. I felt relieved afterwards and I was able to give her a genuine smile which she returned. I even told my husband that I think she's nice which he somewhat disagrees to, hehe.

I took the above test awhile ago and found out that I have a soul of a peacemaker. It dawned to me that I may not really be curious about my husband's ex or all those after-relationship things. I may really have a peacemaker soul which has been bugging me for the longest time since my husband has a drift with his ex. Back in college, my once very happy barkada suddenly had a faction. I did not side with anybody (three of us actually were in the middle) not because I want to be on the safe side but because I wanted all of them to stop the nonsense childish fight they're into. We (the 3 of us) tried to restore the peace in our barkada but I guess we were not that successful since the once happy friendship we once had did not go back on how it was before. I must admit that I was really disappointed. Oh yes, we were able to let them shake hands and all that but as I said, things were not how it used to be. Oh well, that's life... you gotta accept that change is the only constant thing in this world. And to add to that, I hate the feeling of having an enemy or even just a friction with someone. In my current job, it's hard to do that. Since I am in charge of implementing the rules of the company, you can't really help it if people will take it against you whenever you try to discipline them. God knows how I try to reach out to them in a way that won't hurt their feelings but you really can't please everyone. At the end of the day, I just say to myself that it's all part of the job so I won't really get affected. I took Psychology to understand people's behavior better, it may be a way of that soul to complement what it really ought to do, be at peace with everyone by knowing their psyche or their well-being. Well, it's a good way to promote world peace, don't you think? Hahaha!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

...the reason behind my YM status

Some of you may be wondering why I always put inspirational messages in my YM status (for those in my friends' list). Well, let me give you my reason for that. I don't put those status to give an impression that I am a spiritual or a goody-two shoes type of person, heck that would be the last thing I would do! I put those messages because I know that somewhere...somehow... somebody needs those messages. I, for one, am a living proof of that. There were times that I really feel down, burnt out and there were even instances that I feel that the whole world is against me and simple words of encouragement from a friend, from a forwarded e-mail, etc... lifts my spirit up. I've known people who are really at the pit of depression and some even attempted to commit suicide, it is for these people that I've put those messages for. I want them to know that life is good no matter how many obstacles they encounter, they are not alone and that God is just a prayer away. All they need is a reminder and that is what I'm trying to do. I hope that somehow those messages touched some fellas heart.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

going back to an old hobby

I started to develop reading as a hobby at the age of 10. I remember the first paperback that I read was Sweet Dreams' "Kiss Me Creep" which I borrowed from my cousin, Ate Joan. From then on I was hooked into it. I've collected Sweet Dreams & Love Stories paperbacks from that time until I reached my teens (my collection is still intact & I'm sure my little sis Trian will read it in a year or two). During my late teens & early 20s I started reading the novels of Erich Segal, Sydney Sheldon, Nicholas Sparks & Judith Mc Naught. When I entered the CFC Singles for Christ community, I got interested with inspirational books & readings and so I started reading the books of Bo Sanchez,Joshua Harris and CFC's Tito Frank Padilla,etc.

Now, I read about everything & anything under the sun. I really like the feeling of being lost in a book and the adrenaline rush it brings me once my curiosity & interest have been ignited. However, for some reason this hobby of mine was set aside for a time but I never totally stopped it. I really missed it! Now, I'm beginning to read on a regular basis again, yipee! Thanks to my husband who bought me books. Although, he's already complaining that I read too fast and he has to buy another one once I finish a certain book.

Last Holy Week I finished Cathy Love's "Wanting Something More". Then I finished reading "The Rescue" by Nicholas Sparks last week which by the way, brought me to tears. Currently, I'm engrossed with Sophie Kinsella's "The Undomestic Goddess" (she's also the author of the very enjoyable Shopaholic Series).

Before, my husband does not enjoy reading that much, but ever since I influenced him, you cannot disturb him while he's reading. Reading is a very worthy hobby. It does not just relaxes, it also brings you somewhere else, it allows you to take a peek of the different cultures, it allows you to think with infinite possiblities, it widens your vocabulary and enhances your grammar. With that, I encourage everyone to develop this hobby as well, you're on for a big surprise, you'll see:)