it's been awhile
i've neglected this blog for quite sometime. i guess i've been busy not just with work but being a mom & wife. i also went through something that i do not really want to dwell on but i must say that God has proven His love for us once again. we're slowly picking up the pieces of our lives. i've been adjusting with my hubby's new sched, he's now working on a night shift and during weekdays we only see each every morning and have breakfast together. good thing though is that one of us is always with mishka, me at night and koy during the day. our baby is really growing up so fast... she can already say mama or nani (because she cannot say mommy yet) and dada...she can now stand and take a step or two (minsan nga lang tamad)...she can clap her hands, wave (bye bye) and dance using her hands (she's serious when dancing, haha)...the joy of being a parent...hey she's turning one on august 2!